Sunday, August 19, 2012

Almost out of here

Well my summer here in Sequoia National Park is just about to come to a close and what an adventure it has been. Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. The Lord has taught me much this summer and I look forward to seeing where I'll be serving Him next summer. Maybe back at CLBC? That would be nice.
It seems this summer has just flown by in the past few months, but as I look back at all the adventures I have been on  I realize just how long I have been here. I think it is about time to head back to Michigan and SAU.
I've said this before and I'll say it again. It is amazing the adventures the Lord will take you on when you just listen and obey. I remember the day I first read the little flyer for ACMNP and thought, "yeah, that would be cool, but something I wouldn't actually ever do." Ha, I am warning you now, don't ever think for a moment that God wont call you somewhere you think He wouldn' a National Park for an entire summer. Keep your mind open and remember to be obedient. Who knows where or what I'll be doing next summer, but what I do know is that God's hand will be in it.
Living here has given me the chance to see what being a disciple really means. Sometimes it will seem lonely and useless. Sometimes it wont even seem worth it. Sometimes it will seem as though you wont make it through. It is worth it, it is possible to make it through to the end, and it isn't as lonely as one might think. I believe much of the ministry that I have done here I can not see. How am I to know how God has touched the lives that I have come encounter with?
What a great summer and what a great God we serve. Again thank you for the prayers, support, and keeping up with my blog. I believe I will do one last entree before I call it quits. I'm going camping tomorrow and it may just be interesting enough to share with you all.     

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