Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Mission Statement

Not thirty minutes ago I finally received my first call from DNCParks & Resorts at Sequoia. It is a good feeling to know my application is finally being processed. If you don't recall from my last post, I have been accepted to A Christian Ministry in the National Parks, but I am still currently waiting for a yes or no from DNCParks & Resorts at Sequoia.
Once I am am in the park I will be working a low end job, such as a bellperson or server. I will be making minimum wage (about $8) and paying for housing and food. Housing, if I remember correctly, will be $25 a week and food will be an average of $3 per meal, really pretty good all things considered. I will be working full time, 40 hours a week, plus the additional work I do through ACMNP, which is all technically volunteer work. On the weekends I will be helping run and set up small "church services" in the park for visitors with my fellow ACMNP members.
While my mission will be greatly focused on the small church services we will be holding, the other large portion of my mission is to simply be a positive influence to my fellow workers at the resort and others around me. To put it simply my mission statement is, to be a positive, uplifting, and a good example to my fellow workers. To be a disciple to the visitors that are visiting the park, and to show the individuals I encounter faith through actions.
To give you a better idea of my work I have attached two links. (just click on the words) One that gives additional information about ACMNP and the other about the Resort I'll be working at.

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