Friday, March 2, 2012

Paper Work

I have officially been accepted as a Lodgepole Clerk in Sequoia National Park!
As exciting as that really doesn't sound, I find myself excited for the job. My job entitles just what you would expect. I must be able to use a cash register, must be able to stand for hours on end, and other various things that come with a typical clerk job. As of right now I am filling out paper work and will soon have to take a drug test. The next big thing will come April 13, (so look for a new post a little after April 13th) when I head off to Grand Rapids for ACMNP training. (Remember that is different than the clerk job)
It seems the weeks are flying by and I'm sure it will seem like tomorrow when I'm out in California working my new job. As fast as time goes by, I am thankful for having what little time I have to prepare myself mentally for what lies ahead. As much as I thought I grew with Christ over the past few years, it seems like it has all but doubled in the time I have been here on campus. I don't know exactly what it is about living on my own, but it has given me the opportunity to learn so much more about myself and my relationship with Jesus Christ. It seems as my knowledge expands, my questions become only greater in length and complexity where there never seems to be a strait and simple answer. If there is one thing I'm sure of it is that I'm not even close to fully understanding our Heavenly Father (nor will I ever) and it will definitely be in my weakness that He will be able to work through me, not only this coming summer, but for the rest of my life.
Just this week I learned a greater deal about the way God works. Reading Hosea 6:1-2 and after talking with our Chaplin, I came to a greater understanding that God is one that will often be the one that takes us down, in order that He may then bring us back up. He doesn't just allow bad things to happen to us, but He is the one that directly causes "bad" things to happen in our lives. I quote bad because it is us as humans that have tagged what it means for something to be bad, but anything God chooses to do is good. He can do no bad. So while He may bring us down, He always does good and right. While I'm sure a large paper could be written regarding this subject I hope you can understand what I mean within this small paragraph because I would hate to be the one to mislead you, so I highly encourage that you don't take my word for it, but pick up the living Word of God and find the answer for yourself!         

1 comment:

  1. Looks like I'm going to have to take a trip to Cali while I'm home this summer :) I'm so excited for you, Dakota! Not only for securing a job that you wanted, but with your ability to see beyond the job itself to the greater implications it will have on your life. Charge on! And it's true. There is definitely something about being on your own (love you, Mom!) that makes you learn what you really value as important. Can't wait 'til our next Skype date. Love you, little bro.
