Sunday, June 24, 2012


I'm not even sure how to start this particular blog post. How do I begin writing about an event that happened so quickly and out of no where...
Five minutes past ten not a single person had shown up for our service. We had decided to postpone in the hopes that someone would show up. Little did we expect a black bear to be the first to show his face. While a black bear running past the amphitheater was nothing less than cool what was to happen next left the few of us completely speechless. Before I go on I must say this, mom, part of me thought not to post about this event because I am sure to get some concerning comment from you, but rest assure that what I have told you about black bears still stands. They are actually much safer than you believe.
A high pitch squeal was enough to turn all of our heads and what we witnessed was absolutely incredible. Running right toward us was a tiny little dear and on its heels was the majestic black bear we had just seen earlier. Some 15 yards away the dear saw us and made a quick turn, but in the process lost its footing and fell to the ground. Just the opportunity the bear was awaiting for. The mid sized black bear quickly clamped its massive jaws around the fawns neck and proceeded to calmly walk up the hill with the fawn squealing the entire time. In this whole chase the bear actually ran through several camp sites and if this was not enough an even larger bear was watching the entire thing. The second bear was a brown color and was truly massive.
An event that I shall never forget for the rest of my life. The best way I can describe the even is simply, incredible. A truly incredible event. Oh, and by the way, right after this whole event we got a group of like eight people that all work at Wuksachi, so the service went well too.        

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