Tuesday, June 19, 2012

National Park Service

Once a week meetings with the entire team sets the stage for each Sunday service. As a team we hold two services a week. One, a  mere five minute walk away located at Lodgepole and the other about a hour drive to a camping spot close to Grant Grove. There are a total of six of us, so we split it half and half, which so far is working great. Joe (Fellow ACMNPer and room mate) and Libby (also ACMNPer and also lives and works at lodgepole) have even made a colorful spreadsheet showing who is where and doing what each week. Nice and organized.
Three of us are able to play guitar and Libby plays the banjo, so all positions are pretty well passed around. By our second service, it was time for me to preach. At that point we did not have a neat schedule, so I volunteered. As the week progressed the Holy Spirit lead me to a topic, so as far as having something to say I was all set, although it was still to be determined how gifted I was at public speaking. I didn't really fell nervous even though I have done very little public peaking at this point in my life. Even so, I would say I did pretty well (with the help of the Holy Spirit of course). Sure, I made some beginner mistakes, but who doesn't their first time? I'll be honest, It was kind of strange being the one speaking. I realize it isn't about me, but about the Holy Spirit using whomever He pleases, but I couldn't help but felling really young while standing in front of the few people that had taken the time to come to our service. I've grown up with preachers with many years behind them, and have experienced much, and there I was only being 19 and God had chosen me to preach to individuals that where old enough to be my parents or even grandparents. What had the Holy Spirit given me to say that they needed to hear? Maybe I was asking the wrong questions or maybe I shouldn't have been questioning it at all. After all, as a disciple, it is just my job to obey. So who knows, maybe next time it will all fell more natural. Maybe it was just because it was my first time. God only knows...literally. The following week I experienced another first, I helped lead worship with Joe and next week I'm on my own regarding leading worship. Should be interesting. 
Each week we receive about two families. So nothing too big yet. Word is hard to get around, because we aren't allowed to go around to each campsite speaking to individuals. Flyers are about the only way word is spread and frankly that doesn't spread very quickly. The Lord is in control, so who needs to come will be there. It isn't about the amount of people.
I continue to ask for your prayers. I am convinced it is the best thing you, thousands of miles away, can do for this ministry God has thrown me into. Your prayers are being heard, and the Lord is carrying me through this summer. While the Lord has placed me in the front lines at this specific location, you, my brothers and sisters in Christ are also part of this ministry. I thank the Lord I am not alone. I have you supporting me and I have the Holy Spirit with me. Thank you... Also, if you want to send me letters that would great too. :)

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